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When they saw he wasn’t going to pay up, they decided to tie up loose ends and killed him too. They killed his wife in front of him to make sure he knew they were serious. And when the men showed up to collect the debt, he couldn’t pay. Her father was navy, but had gotten himself into some trouble. The murderer had been careless, never realizing he left behind a small witness who was hiding behind the couch.īut leave a witness he did, and Gibbs could tell by her wide eyes and her shaking body that it wasn’t an image she would soon forget. Poor kid had watched her parents get murdered. He watched even the most hardened agents wipe moisture from their eyes as the little girl left behind at the crime scene hunkered in the corner and whimpered for her mother. But this had been, by far, the most disturbing case he had ever seen. If there was one thing Gibbs knew, it was that you can’t save them all. You know better than to get personally involved in a case. He could just hear what Mike Franks would say, if he were here now. “I have the rules for a reason,” he thought.

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I don’t have what it takes to be a dad again.” His thoughts carried on in the same vein for the better part of an hour as he leaned his head against his boat and mentally chastised himself.

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“Why did I ever think that this would work? It’s not the same. “What was I thinking?” he berated himself. He thought that if he could just have a few hours with his boat, he would calm down. Leroy Jethro Gibbs put his tools down with more force than intended and sighed.

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